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Cleaning Up Duplicated Hybrid device objects in Microsoft Intune

Cleaning Up Duplicated Hybrid Devices objects in Microsoft Intune…

Manually Control the Removal of Duplicates

  • Execute the following PowerShell command:
.\Invoke-IntuneCleanup -Whatif | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple | foreach-Object { Remove-DeviceManagement_ManagedDevices -managedDnot connectedeviceId $ }
  • Then you will get a grid view where you can select the devices to remove and click on ok.
IMPORTANT: This does not delete the AzureAD Device Object! This is because:
  • In some conditions a device is generating a new object in Azure AD, but because Bitlocker was already enabled the Recovery Key is not written to the actual object.
  • If you are using Autopilot you should also not cleanup AzureAD Objects because they are holding the AzureAD hashes. THANKS Karsten Kleinschmidt for this feedback.
  • If you are not using Autopilot and would like to remove old AzureAD objects I recommend to check the existence of the Bitlocker recovery key on the new object and if necessary to trigger the backup of the recovery key by deploying a PowerShell script over Intune to your devices with a missing Bitlocker recovery key:
#Narrow scope to applicable recovery protector
$AllProtectors = (Get-BitlockerVolume -MountPoint $env:SystemDrive).KeyProtector
$RecoveryProtector = ($AllProtectors | where-object { $_.KeyProtectorType -eq "RecoveryPassword" })

#Push Recovery Passoword AAD
BackupToAAD-BitLockerKeyProtector $env:systemdrive -KeyProtectorId $RecoveryProtector.KeyProtectorID
    • If you did that or are you would like to delete the according AzureAD object, then you need to Connect to Azure AD (Connect-AzureAD) and then modify the above Lines to:
$devicesToRemove = .\Invoke-IntuneCleanup -Whatif | Out-GridView -OutputMode Multiple 

foreach($deviceToRemove in $devicesToRemove) { 
    Remove-DeviceManagement_ManagedDevices -managedDnot connectedeviceId $ 
    Remove-AzureADDevice -ObjectId $deviceToRemove.azureADDeviceId

Automatic Removal

The automatic removal is just simple, just run:


And all is done for you. In most cases I execute this scheduled on Azure automation or another schedule engine.

IMPORTANT: This does not delete the Azure AD Device Object! If you need this, then please use the manual and controlled way a explained above.

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